Davis & Brusca, LLC

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Michael Brusca

Michael Brusca from Davis & Brusca Trial Lawyers is passionate about helping vulnerable people and their loved ones who have been injured and abused in nursing homes or hospitals as a Cherry Hill, NJ nursing home lawyer. He has devoted his career to getting justice for people like this, and even teaches other lawyers how to best represent their clients who have been through the same thing.


Michael is dedicated to his practice and wants to make a difference in the lives of others. Nursing home abuse is something he knows about personally, and wants to prevent injustices of ever happening to anyone again. Currently, Michael serves on the Executive Board of the National Nursing Home Litigation Group for the American Association for Justice. In the past, Michael served as a Judge Advocate in the United States Air Force, and has experience as lead counsel in well known cases such as Dwyer v. Harborview. This case generated the largest nursing home verdict of all time in the state of New Jersey, which was $13.2 million.


Although each and every case is different, Michael has had an amazing history in the courtroom and will fight hard for every single one of his clients. He not only cares about his firm, but more importantly, cares about each individual person he is representing. Michael wants to change the world one case at a time and make the world a better place for families to grow old with one another. He is passionate about what he does and always brings a sympathetic heart to the courtroom. This not only shows to his clients, but also is incredibly motivating to gain compensation for victims in every case.

Title: Differences Between Long-Term Care and Healthcare Facilities 
Recorded: 07/07/2021

Title: Dangers of UTI’s in Elder Care Facilites 
Recorded: 03/2022

Title: Pressure Injury AKA Bedsores
Recorded: 02/2024

Title: Signs of Trouble
Recorded: 03/2024

Title: Nursing Home Falls
Recorded: 04/2024

Title: Dietary and Malnutrition in a Nursing Home
Recorded: 05/2024

Title: Staffing and Nursing Homes
Recorded: 06/2024